The Complete Athlete Process

Learn how to become a complete CrossFit athlete

Live, Three-Hour Intensive for CrossFit Athletes and Coaches

Thursday, September 26th, 1pm MT

  • EVALUATION OF THE SPORT: complete movement and physiological analysis of the sport of fitness, organized by competition level

  • ASSESSMENT OF THE ATHLETE: body and performance characteristics of elite athletes, according to clinical evidence

  • HOW TO BECOME A COMPLETE CROSSFIT ATHLETE: a long term, sustainable approach to getting the characteristics of an elite athlete

  • HOW TO TRAIN FOR EACH CHARACTERISTIC: how to train for muscle growth, barbell strength, gymnastics and conditioning

  • COMMON MISTAKES CrossFitters make when training for each characteristic

  • THE ATHLETE’S YEAR: understand offseason vs. in-season training and how to plan your competitive year

  • ATHLETE AVATARS and example programs


The problem:

I used to think training like a Games athlete would make me a Games athlete.

Today I take a completely different approach.

I remember doing 10 metcons a week.

I thought all that mattered was "working hard."

I did this for a couple years, then looked up and realized I hadn't made much progress.

I wasn't climbing the ranks like I expected. I was still the same local-level CrossFitter.

I did more work than any CrossFitter I knew.

But my body wasn't changing, and my strength was still nowhere near where it needed to be.

I remember feeling frustrated with the lack of progress.

I later learned that it wasn't just me.

Almost every athlete I coach has experienced that, for at least a year.

They start in group classes, then they do a "competitor program," then they stagnate.

I wish this weren't the initiation into our sport but it is.

The process:

We don't have to do it this way.

We have best practices from research, coaches and elite athletes in other sports.

While CrossFit is a new sport, the processes we apply to it are the same.

We need a more professional approach to program design in CrossFit.

So, that's what we're going to do in The Complete Athlete Process.

I created this because I saw these needs with athletes and coaches:

  1. A need to understand the movement and physiological demands of CrossFit (it’s not as varied as you might think)

  2. A need to quantify the characteristics of elite athletes with objective testing that can be repeated in the field

  3. A need for a sustainable, longer term approach to getting those characteristics

  4. A need to assess and train individual weaknesses

  5. A need for training priorities: helping athletes make meaningful gains in a few attributes at a time

  6. A need to respect best practices from other sports when training for each characteristic

  7. A need to acknowledge training principles that have been demonstrated in research

This intensive is an effort to professionalize training and coaching for the sport of fitness.

Hey guys, I’m Paul.

There’s one thing I care about: helping athletes see how far they can go.

Because for most of my life, that’s what I wanted.

I started training 15 years ago and made so many mistakes, mostly when I was trying to figure things out on my own.

I’ve felt the frustration of injuries and lack of progress.

That all changed when I discovered professional coaching.

Now, I help other athletes see how far they can go.

My goal is for every athlete I work with to have that curiosity satisfied.

I work with athletes one-on-one and create resources to help athletes leave no stone unturned.

So far I’ve helped over 400 athletes. My athletes have gone from brand new to ranked in their affiliate, from local throwdowns to regional competitions, and from qualifying for the Games in the top 20 to the top 5.

After this training…

At the end of this training, you’ll understand the long term process of how to become a complete CrossFit athlete.

We’ll cover:

  • Evaluation of the sport

    • Movement Analysis by competition level

    • Physiological Analysis by competition level

  • Assessment of the athlete

    • Key physical characteristics

      • Bodyweight

      • Body Composition

      • Lean Body Mass

    • Key performance characteristics

      • Squat 1RM

      • Strength:Weight Ratio

      • Snatch:Back Squat Ratio

      • Gymnastic Ability

      • Anaerobic Capacity

      • Aerobic Capacity

  • How to become a complete CrossFit athlete

    • Why you need to prioritize

    • When to prioritize muscle, strength, gymnastics or conditioning

    • Why you need muscle mass

    • Why your strength matters before your conditioning does

  • Muscle

    • How muscle growth works

    • How to train for muscle growth

    • Common mistakes when training for muscle growth

  • Barbell Strength

    • How strength works

    • How to train for CrossFit-specific strength

    • Common mistakes when training for barbell strength

  • Gymnastics

    • Why you need to stop training like a CrossFitter and train like a gymnast

    • Gymnastic Strength Training Foundations (with exact progressions from beginner to advanced)

    • When and how to transition from strict to dynamic reps

    • Skill development

    • Mobility

    • Common mistakes when training for gymnastics

  • Conditioning

    • How conditioning works

    • What we can learn from elite endurance sport (and what doesn’t apply)

    • How to train for CrossFit-specific conditioning

    • Common mistakes when training for conditioning

  • The Athlete's Year

    • Differences between offseason and in-season training

    • How long to spend in your offseason and in-season

    • Athlete avatars and example programs

We’ll address the beliefs:

  • “Individualization, optimization, sustainability…that’s for snowflakes. All that matters is hard work.”

  • “We can’t learn much from other sports. CrossFit is too unique.”

  • “CrossFit is too varied to fit into a process. We have to respect the original ideas when we train.”

Thursday, September 26th, 1pm MT

Training will be hosted over Zoom. Tap the link to join us.


Who is this for, exactly?

This Live Intensive is for CrossFit Athletes and Coaches who want to learn the long term process of how to become a complete CrossFit athlete. It’s the exact opposite of tips and tricks. This is for those who want to follow an objective process to maximizing theirs and others’ training careers over multiple years.

What if I can’t make the training, will it be recorded?

The live training will be recorded and sent out after the fact. BUT, I'm hoping to see you there live. There will be a time for you to ask questions so you can get insights tailored to your situation.

Any additional questions? Send me an email.